Every Day gDS
GDS, rated as THE SCHOOL OF TOMORROW by 81% existing parents.
Don't miss the chance to give your child the gift of Discovery way of learning
Land 2 acres & Rs. 3 crore liquid capital.
Upfront construction of 24000 to 30,000 sq feet Additional investment required is Rs. 3 crore liquid capital for operations across first 3 years.
Global discovery academy will holds your hands from the beginning till the end, safeguarding your investment and time like no one else does.
Phone: +91-9978974248Email: franchise@globaldiscoveryacademy.com
Our parents are fully satisfied and that is reflected in the survey
It is education ideologies well proven by research. global Discovery Schools takes the best from Gurukul concepts, Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio-Emilia, Kumon and multiple intelligence theories
GDS' DNA was instituted by engineers. The bulk of GDS founders and management are engineers by training.
GDS, the school of tomorrow has left no stone unturned in its initiative of changing the dynamics of education.
Global Discovery Schools is steadily laying the foundation for a GDS school in every Indian town. The venture was started to pave the way for a revolution in the Indian education system. We are introducing future schools to fundamentally re-define what a school should be like.
With 6+ years of extensive research, we are able to establish the concept of GDS playgroup to Class XII that guides a child towards a better life through better schooling. GDS’s ‘Roadmap to my Dreams’ platform takes care of long-term as well as short-term goals of the child's future.
GDS has secured remarkable results across different states year after year, specifically in Gujarat, Punjab, MP, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamilnadu in terms of brand value, admissions and economics. We have opened the doors for entrepreneurs, land/building owners and investors who have an eye for opportunities in an ever expanding sector that has been providing stable financial flow over many decades.
If you own 2 to 5 acres of land, can do 30K upfront construction, plus you have 3 crores liquid funds for operations, then taking a GDS franchise will surely prove to be a good investment.
GDS’s innovation pillars are:
Find out about our industry's leading track records in teaching quality, admissions, attracting educators, school operations, capex and opex.
GDS’s Background and Vision
GDS’s Differentiators
Sector with Long Term Potential
Who are we looking for?
A GDS for every Indian Tier 2 and Tier 3 town
Scalability of Operations Established
Strong Brand and Product Acceptance
GDS Schools Operational/Coming Up
Ramp-up plan across clusters
Targeting growth via cluster model
Targeting the following clusters:
Western Clusters
Northern Clusters
Southern Clusters
Central Clusters
Education Sector
Schools of tomorrow offer tremendous opportunities for excellence.
Large demand, high growth, limited alternatives, price inelastic for differentiated products and a huge opportunity for innovators.
Sector - K-12 schools
Customer – middle class
GDS’s Franchisee Scheme
Key facts:
Minimum land requirement is 2 acres, preferably 4 acres. Upfront construction of 24000 to 30,000 sq feet Additional investment required is Rs. 3 crore liquid capital for operations across first 3 years
GDS schemes are structured to meet your risk appetite and financial exposure. In any case, GDS incentivises itself based on the school performance to ensure GDS has high stake in your school’s success.
Please click here download the detailed presentation
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